I have recently started a new not for profit youth organization called the Adventure Pioneers who are open to young people aged 10 to 16 so if you know anyone who is interested in joining a group who do pioneering, bushcraft and backwoods then look up the website https://adventurepioneers.uk/ or use this LINK they also do things for other Groups, Individuals and Businesses, look them up it costs nothing and perhaps they could help you or your group!

I have spent a considerable amount of time over the last few months going to meetings etc and preparing a draft program for schools, to comply with the new outdoor adventuress activists curriculum. my program was preliminarily approved, and I have just completed the five individual lessons that complete the program at a school in Thornton . Over the five weeks I was given the opportunity to test, and fine tune everything to see if it was a practical, working program for the curriculum.
Over the five weeks the pupils were given a number of graded tasks, designed to gradually improve their ability to work as a team, and improve their leadership skills. A number of team building scenarios were used incorporating simple pioneering principles, and orienteering, to test both their physical, and mental ability, I got nothing but good feedback from both teachers and pupils and even the headmaster had nothing but praise for what they had achieved over the five weeks. I am now waiting for our Area School Games Organizer to put it forward to the schools and hopefully I will be introducing it to a number of schools in the area, fingers crossed.

Comments from the organizers on the day.
Just a quick note to extend a thank you for your work on Sunday this past weekend, at our event.
We had great feedback on the day and great feedback on the comments forms, so all round a fantastic day. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you, you delivered a fantastic service on a long busy hot day!
Friday the 13th is usually looked upon as a bad day but that was the opposite for me as I did two workshops for Institute for Outdoor Learning at Low Wray in the Lake District. I had a wonderful time and everyone enjoyed themselves learning haw to do a number of lashings and knots. see the photos in the album.
I must tell you about a group of young people I have just had the pleasures of sharing a day of backwoods and pioneering skills with. They came down from Barrow with Leonard Cheshire Disability as the Asperger's Group?
I had what can only be described as a wonderful day doing Backwoods and Pioneering. We started with fire lighting, and the the different ways of preparing and lighting a fire etc. using a fire-steel. next came putting up a basher and hammock concluding with them working as two teems and putting up a temporary shelter for themselves. they all then had a go at lighting their own fire using a flint, with materials I had prepared for them, it wasn't long after we had seven fires burning. After lunch they learnt how to build an A frame, and the different lashings, and knots, needed to build a commando bridge. Then the fun really started they built two A frames/sheer legs and strung two ropes between them to use as a bridge to cross a imaginary river, everyone got across including me and the two Team Leaders. I would like to thank all the young people and leaders for what was a wonderful day that I will remember for a long time.